As a child, I hoped my prayers were received. It wasn’t until I was 50 years old and apprenticing with Indigenous elders and shamans that I began to experience prayer as more like a conversation than a one-way communication. That was a game-changer! I felt known and loved and began to receive direct guidance for my life. Now, it is both my calling and my joy to act as a bridge to assist others in experiencing their connection with spirit and receiving guidance. These are our birthrights.
Love Is Round is our universe’s design. Experiencing Love Is Round helps us heal from the illusion of separateness from love-and-belonging, and awakens or deepens our capacity to tap into our divine guidance in support of our preordained path of purpose. This experience of connection is the core basis of effective prayer, but not necessarily something we learned through our organized religions. Love Is Round programs show you how to experience connection, to ask for and receive spiritual guidance, which leads you to contribute to our world in personally meaningful ways.
The absence of this connection experience is the source of great lostness in our modern world.
Painting by Abigail Bubiak
Connect With Spirit and Receive Guidance
One-on-one sessions (in-person, by phone or video conferencing) and workshops are offerings of Love Is Round. Services include:
Exploring Divine Connection Workshops - These could be as brief as 3 hours to multi-day deeper dives.
Individual Companion Prayers - These help you receive direct divine guidance and are usually less than one hour.
Group Companion Prayers - These help all individuals in a group to receive direct divine guidance. This can be particularly helpful if the group shares a common mission. This could be accomplished in one to two hours.
Shaman Drum Journeys: My steady drumbeat will guide a journey via your heart to receive learning and divine guidance relative to your pre-established intention.
Prayer Coaching: We are all connected spiritually but don’t often experience that connection. I will show you how to remove what is in the way of your spiritual connection, and from that place of connection, how to receive direct divine guidance in support of your sacred calling.
Getting Right With Nature
Do you want to help our world in a way that is part of your sacred calling? Spirit wants that for you, also!
I have offered one-on-one and group teaching programs since 2000 and in five countries. Here’s what I have learned:
The spirit alive in aspects of nature knows us at a soul level, appreciates our relationship, and knows how to guide us effectively.
When we follow the spiritual guidance given to us, it opens and prepares us for the next phase of guidance. Conversely, if we do not follow the guidance we receive, we remain stuck in patterns that may be counter to our pre-ordained path and cause us suffering.
Our pre-ordained path is our path to healing and joy, and following it, allows us to contribute to all our relations.
If we apologize to aspects of nature we have disrespected and ask for their guidance on how to make amends, nature will guide us in a way that helps us “get right with nature” and coincidentally helps us on our pre-ordained path of purpose. It is quite beautiful!
Public Speaking
I love how you take all these academics and bring them right into their soul. - Anna R, Victoria, BC, 2015
Sherry participated in public speaking training programs for nearly a decade and has won prizes as a speaker. She has been interviewed as a guest on several podcasts and welcomes more opportunities. She feels that her spiritual path lessons learned and the gifts she has earned and is being asked to share could be helpful to people exploring spiritual relationships and seeking direct guidance.
Sherry has been asked by Spirit to start or continue a movement that helps restore human alignment with the universal design, Love Is Round, on behalf of all our relations.