“Prayer”, watercolour painting by Abigail Bubiak

Painting by Abigail Bubiak

Guide to Connected and Effective Prayer

Prayer does not belong to religion. It belongs to humans as a tool for communicating with Spiritual Presence.

I offer one-on-one sessions in person, via video conferencing, and by phone. My spiritual gifts, and therefore my services to you, include:

Companion Prayers - I help you formulate your prayer, and then you and I pray together. My prayer amplifies your prayer, and you receive divine guidance.

Shaman Drum Journeys: I will guide you with a steady drumbeat to journey within via your heart. Your journey will reveal what is causing your illness, discomfort, or confusion. This will then inform the prayer we formulate together. The prayer guidance you receive will show you how to heal.

Prayer Coaching: We are all connected spiritually but don’t often experience that connection. I will show you how to remove what is in the way of your spiritual connection. From that place of connection, I will then show you how to receive direct divine guidance in support of your sacred calling.

Photo by sherry morgan

Getting Right With Nature

Do you want to help our world in a way that is part of your sacred calling? Spirit wants that for you, also!

I recently offered 9 weeks of what I call “companion prayers” in nature seeking guidance for those who attended. Here’s what I learned:

  1. The spirit alive in aspects of nature knows and relates to our spirit. In this way, nature spirits know us better than we know ourselves. They know what we need and how to guide us most effectively.

  2. When we follow the spiritual guidance given to us, it opens and prepares us for the next piece of guidance. Conversely, if we do not follow the guidance we receive, we remain stuck in familiar patterns that may be counter to our pre-ordained path.

  3. Our pre-ordained path is our path to healing and joy, which then contributes to all our relations.

painting by David McKeown

Connect With Love Itself

It is your birthright to connect with the Spiritual Presence of Love and to receive direct guidance. In doing so, you heal from the illusion that you are separate and increasingly move toward knowing and fulfilling your sacred calling. You increase meaning and joy in your life.

Please click the “learn more” link above to learn what is currently scheduled.

Public Speaking

I love how you take all these academics and bring them right into their soul. - Anna, Victoria, BC, 2015

Spirit has asked Sherry to lead a movement to help people to Align With the Universal Design of Love-Is-Round. She welcomes opportunities to speak at events and on podcasts.

Check back again for links to published talks and podcast interviews.
