Yesterday car broke down. I had to take the train and wait for 1.5 hours... My path led me to have a walk along a beautiful river, hidden amongst the trees... and then I arrived in a big field, wrapped with oak trees along the valley... and suddenly Grand-Father appeared, I know it’s almost a year since the praying workshop and my ability to ‘pray’ or ‘be with Nature’ was suddenly very present.
Since your workshop my life has been transformed in that sense, so I often experience my connection with Nature in a different way, but yesterday morning there was something of your essence in that experience. As if suddenly it was very clear that my ability to experience this field and just be with that particular landscape was a gift of ‘your spirit’. I knew at a very deep level that without your journey... your responding to the calling... I would not have been able to see what I saw yesterday.
And the reason why I share it with you today is because with this experience came a message, as if a voice was telling me to tell you the following:
Sherry... you are a great vessel that allows people who are ready (like me) to be transformed. Yes, it is Grand-Father, but actually it is also you, your life, your path, your sacrifice, your humility.’ For maybe a few minutes I received this message, ‘Sherry... there are some people out there who need you’.

So again, thank you for who you are and whatever you gave me last year, it has transformed my life and has the power to transform the life of others.
— With much much love, Claire Hinton, England
I don’t remember a time where I have so profoundly experienced such surrender and opening of my heart, a falling away of pretence and ‘I-ness,’ into that sacred place where nothing remains, but an indistinguishable merging of Essence.
— Michael, Austin, TX, USA
Your workshop was, for me, a major turning point in my awareness of life, of all that is living - All My Relations.
— Lyn, Florence, SC, USA
Exploring the Core Basis of Prayer was a gentle, profound experience.
— Ginger, Nantucket, MA, USA
The class is about receiving the greatest gift one could ever be given, the Present Moment, beautifully naked, healing and available.
— Amy, Grand Junction, CO, USA
Here is a small testimonial, not even coming close to how supportive you are and how wonderful it’s been having you in my life. Really, it’s you with your care and warmth and sincerity and love that have been so meaningful to me. I so appreciate your loving heart and wisdom and want you to know how grateful I am to for all the work you’ve done, and will do.

Through Companion Prayers with Sherry I am learning to listen to the wisdom of my Heart. Sherry’s wisdom, warmth and deep experience with Prayer guides and supports me to find the courage to enter into a deeper relationship with Spirit and trust of my Heart through my own prayers.
— Shelly Sawada, Toronto, ON, 2007
I recently had the pleasure of working with Sherry on the construction and action of a prayer. Sherry gave me time and asked helpful questions. She also guided the experience by giving me a format for how to take the pieces and put them together to create the prayer. I appreciated Sherry’s patience and presence with me, allowing me to “move around” in my sense about what ideas we were playing with and were they a fit or not, and if not, what felt more on target.

While patient, she also kept the process moving. She helped me, by saying back to me what she had heard - those became the pieces ready to place into the design of the prayer, which was a great help to me as I didn’t feel I had to do it all by myself. Yet to be sure it couldn’t have happened without my sincere input and deep sharing and desire.

The prayer was spoken and offered in a way comfortable to me. Sherry was there in an unobtrusive way and yet definitely present, which meant a lot to me. In the concluding conversation, Sherry offered great ideas, which helped me understand and glean even more from the experience. I left the session feeling my goal had been accomplished in a trustworthy way, which felt grounded and true.
— Robin Rainbow Gate, July, 2016
Sherry is deeply connected and committed to the spiritual work she offers through Love is Round. She gently and respectfully facilitated the companion prayer process, and the guidance I received has been very helpful. She is authentic and definitely walks her spiritual talk! Thank you Sherry!
— Patricia, Victoria, BC
Nine years ago, during a companion prayer with Sherry, a channel opened, and I met a beautiful tree on my property. I was awakened to the Mothering energy. To this day, even though I no longer live there, I communicate and receive support from Mother.
— Peggy Folkes
I began my call with Sherry to investigate prayer knowing I was in good hands with her, curious about prayer and skeptical to discover if this would be for me. Our conversation was relaxed, no pressure to get some place, an open sharing between us. The structure Sherry offered gave me a sense of being held as I found my words and guided me to speak my truth, my prayer. I experienced the guidance coming to me as I spoke. Gradually, I am bringing prayer, what comes in the moment, into a regular practice. I look forward to sitting with the light and warmth of prayer. Thank you, Sherry, for your guiding touch.
— Terry St. Pierre, Ottawa, ON, 2024
I had just finished a multi-year project and fell into depression trying to find my purpose in life. Sherry offered to do a companion prayer with me. I accepted and within moments of starting the prayer with her, words in the form of an analogy came to me. An analogy I would have never thought of on my own, but held an amazing truth. Once I contemplated this, my depression was gone, replaced by self-confidence. Amazing! Thank you, Sherry.”
— Joseph A., North Carolina, June, 2024

More testimonials are available on the applicable offering pages on this site and on Love Is Round’s Alignable account.